No House

The house was not offered to us…boo. On with the search. I am sure we will find something else, life turns out for the best.

My back has been bothering me for a week now, and I finally went in to see someone. I have a sprain/strain in my lower back. Lots of rest and ice and heat. I called my Uncle Bill last night for a second opinion and I feel much better about his suggestions than 1500 in chiropractic work that the guy I saw said I should go for. I really hope it starts feeling back to normal soon through.

We got some snow last night, a rarity in Seattle. It is supposed to be clear and cold all day tomorrow but we may get some more snow today. I am keeping a close eye on it and will head home if it starts to fall hard. No walking home for me this time.

Matt and I are planning to go to Pullman next weekend. I hope the snow cooperates so we can get over the pass!

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